Convert String to DateTime using ASP.NET

Posted by Venkat | Labels: , ,

I saw the question repeatedly asking on forums ie: how to convert the String to datetime.

even if someone give solution still the problems exists..,

Error: String is not recognized as a valid DateTime.

Here i am giving the solution to overcome the problem.

First make sure whether you entered is a valid date or not because User may enter alphabets, special symbols etc.. so in order to avoid that , I have to validate the textbox. Here i am using the Regex to to validate the date.

This is my Article to vaildate date using Regex

 string sDate ="06/05/2010";
// this the regex to match the date ie: dd/MM/yyyy
 string _dateExpression = @"^((0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](?:19|20)\d\d)$";
 Regex chkDate = new Regex(_dateExpression);
 if ((chkDate.IsMatch(sDate))
 // so if the date is valid and its matched you can store the date on DB or do some manipulatio.
 // show invalid date
 catch (System.FormatException ex)
 // show invalid date
catch(Exception ex1)

So if the user enter other than numbers it shows format exception to avoid this exception. once i caught the FormatException i am showing the Message to user ie:- input is not valid date or something.

Another small manipulation on DateTime

DateTime sDate = new DateTime();

sDate = DateTime.Today; //  Here i am getting like this 5/6/2010

// So i want this format 05/06/2010  - for this i am using Format to Convert the Date as i Want.

string gDate = String.Format("{0:dd-MM-yyyy}", sDate);

Thanks to All.