pass the imagename to ImageUrl
Hi generally we are binding image to datalist..
so suppose if we store the image in the project folder
we have to get the name of the file and pass it on the src attribute of
img tag.. Ex:
here bigimages is the foldername and imagename that we will get it from database..<img src='< %#"BigImages/" & Eval("imagename") % > ' width ="485px" height="613px" border="0" />
so it will run properly..
Suppose if we do some task ie: hiding images - for that we have to
write the code in Datalist_ItemDatabound and also same for Gridview.. event has
been changed ie:ItemCommand..
At that if we use runat="server" id="Image1" for the above tag , while we get the
image through code it shows error
Unable to cast the html image to webcontrol image
for that use asp:image this is way you have to apply imageurl so it display the
image as per imagename - from the folder
<asp:Image ID="ProductImg"
ImageUrl=' < %# Eval("BigImages","imagename/{0}").Trim() % >'
AlternateText=' < %# Eval("imagename","").Trim() % >'