Postback not works when using HTTPCompression

Posted by Venkat | Labels: , ,

Some members asked this question on forums. Here is the Solution to overcome this issue.

When i am going to compress the .aspx pages using HTTPCompression, the postback will not works. Because it also compressing the Scripresource.axd, webresource.axd file.

To make the postback works in your project you do not compress the above two files, by adding these code.



<httpcompress compressiontype="GZip">
 <add path="scriptresource.axd">
 <add path="webresource.axd">

And one more thing don't compress the images like jpg, gif, jpeg etc.. because its already compressed one. if you compress the image it will degrade the performance. you should the exclude the image from compression.


 <add mime="image/jpeg">

Thanks to all.