Regex for Indian Phone Numbers

Posted by Venkat | Labels: ,

Today , we are going to discuss about the Regular Expression for Indian Phone Numbers.
Default there is only few Regex available on .net Regularexperssion validator controls.
so if we want to validate our textbox field like indian phone numbers, landline number we have write it own Expression.

There is expression tools available to - Check the Expression is valid or not. I have no idea about this because i have not used.

To accept Indian (Landline) phone numbers check this Regex   :   /^[0-9]\d{2,4}-\d{6,8}$/

This is indian phone number. where it will take a format of std code 3 to 4 digits, hypen and rest of the 6 to 8 digits.
Ex: 0222-8345622 or 09786-567567

This one is for eight digit no ::  \d{8}    eg: 26440050

This one is for mobile no:: \d{10}     eg: 9998945678

This one is for mobile no with india code \d{13}   eg 9109998945678

This one is for Mobile no with india code then space and then mobile no whith zero as starting :: +\d{2}\s\d{9}    eg:+91 09998945678